CFMRI Access Form

This Form is for requesting access to the CFMRI building after hours, access to the 3T Scanners, the 7T Scanner and the Mock Scanner. This form is also used for adding Certified Operators to the CFMRI Webschedule. Only CFMRI Safety Trained personnel are eligible to request access. The level of access will be granted based on the current training status.

The person requesting access must complete and submit this form. An automatic email will be sent to the PI on record for approval. Upon receiving the PI's approval, CFMRI will email further instructions on how to obtain access.

The requester must be familiar with the current CFMRI policies regarding magnet room access, operator status, and PI-related activities before submitting this form.

Please provide name and email address used for Safety Training registration
Requester Info:
*Valid Organizational email address only