Center for Functional MRI

This is the Safety and Operator Training Site

  1. Login on the right handside with the given username & password
  2. Click on Safety Online Test under the My course list
  3. Click on Documents tab on the left side
  4. Download and read the Safety Manual
  5. Click on Exercises tab on the left side
  6. Click on the Safety Training Test to start the test
  7. The test has one question per page, answer the question and then click 'Next' to go to the next question, hit OK after answering the last question.
  8. At the end of the test you will be presented with all the questions with your answers and with the correct answers.
  9. IMPORTANT: scroll down to end of the page and click on FINISH to put your score into the database.

1. You cannot go back to previous questions. If you try to use the 'Back' button it will delete ALL of your previous answers.
2. If there is no answer entered for 30 min (including the final 'OK'), the test times out and ALL previous answers are lost, so you must start over.
3. If your score is 38 or less, you must retake the test (note that the program itself will not tell you this).

* If you are a safety Trained Personnel or a Trained Operator and do not have a login account please email

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