Center for Functional MRI In the Department of Radiology

Getting Started

Doing Research at the CFMRI - 3T Scanners


1. Contact CFMRI
Please contact CFMRI ( if you have questions about getting started or to discuss the feasibility of your proposed study.

2. Create a Project

Current PIs - PIs who currently have projects on the 3T scanners can login to CFMRI CALPENDO and Create a New Project..

INew PIs - if you do not have access to the CFMRI CALPENDO system, please refer to the online User Guide and request an ID.

3. Proposal Approval

When the Proposal is received by CFMRI it will be considered by the Science and Finance teams and you will be notified if any additional information is required. When the proposal is approved you will be notified that it is ready for bookings in Calpendo. You will also receive Login information for server data transfer (Instructions available link).

4. Safety Training

All potential scanner operators must complete CFMRI Safety Training before proceeding to Operator Training.

  • Attend the Safety Training lecture. You must bring a printed copy of the safety manual (PDF) and supplementary guidelines to the lecture (PDF).
  • Pass the Calpendo Safety Quiz.
  • Complete the two 2-hour hands-on training sessions with Aaron Jacobson.
  • Please click the link for detailed training information. Safety Training

Everyone is encouraged to attend the safety lecture even if official training is not required.

5. Operator Training

6. CFMRI Building Access and Scanner Access

The CFMRI Building main entrance is normally open 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Mon-Fri).
  • Email to request access to the
    • CFMRI Building After hours
    • 3T Scanner
    • 7T Scanner
    • Mock Scanner
  • Only CFMRI Safety Trained personnel are eligible to request access. Level of access granted is based on current training status.
  • Request must be approved by both the PI and CFMRI before access is granted.

When access is approved, the researcher will receive email instructions on how to apply for and activate a proximity card for accessing the CFMRI building and Scanners. For non-UCSD researchers a $35 refundable deposit is required for the card.
Only those who have been officially safety-trained may enter the magnet rooms.

7. Join our user group

Sign up at

8. Scan Session Checklist


9. Read the How To page for more information. How To Page